Beneteau Ombrine 1001 – År: 2003
bredde 3,11, dybde 1m, Kg 4500
Utrolig rummelig og velsejlende motorbåd fra Beneteau. Rundt om centercockpittet er der bredt ringdæk som gør det nemt og bekvemt at bevæge sig på båden, særligt under havnemanøvre med fortøjninger, fendere osv.
Båden har på fordækket stort soldæk med madrasser.
Fra agterenden er der nem adgang til cockpittet via badeplatformen og “agterdøren”.
Her er båden breddest og den store siddegruppe gør at man kan med god plads nyde aftenerne og dagene på vandet. Med det tilhørende klapbord kan der nydes mad med mange personer.
Under siddegruppen er motorrummet hvor der er rigtig god plads. Nem service adgang til de 2 KAD32 maskiner som er nyserviceret i 2024. Hvor der ligeledes er monteret ny batteribank.
Båden har styreplads i hævet niveau hvilket gør det nemt for skipper at holde øje 360′ rundt om båden.
– Båden er monteret med MAXPOWER bovpropel.
I kahytten findes pantry lige nedenfor med det gode ENO Gaskomfur. i stævnen er der som oppe også en stor rundsiddegruppe som kan omdannes til en seng.
I styrbord side findes det aflukket bad & wc!
Styrbord agter findes den store aflukket agterkahyt med plads til 2-3 sovende samt egen adgang til WC & bad.
Bådens aptering er i utrolig pæn stand.
Af udstyr der kan nævnes:
Elektrisk Ankerspil
Hydraulisk motorklap
Nye hynder i 2024
Ny kaleche i 2024
Ny serviceret motore i 2024.
Ældre navigation & ekkolod samt VHF
Beneteau Ombrine, Motorboat, year 2003, foot 34, berths 5,
Volvo Penta, diesel, engine year: 2003, fresh water cooled, inboard engine,
hull: fiberglass, width 3.11, depth 1m, Kg 4500
Incredibly spacious and smooth-sailing motorboat from Beneteau. Around the center cockpit there is a wide ring deck which makes it easy and convenient to move around on the boat, especially during harbor maneuvers with moorings, fenders etc. The boat has a large sun deck with mattresses on the foredeck. From the stern there is easy access to the cockpit via the bathing platform and the “stern door”. Here the boat is widest and the large seating group means that you can enjoy the evenings and days on the water with plenty of space. With the accompanying folding table, food can be enjoyed with many people. Below the seating group is the engine compartment, where there is really good space. Easy service access to the 2 KAD32 machines which were newly serviced in 2024. Where a new battery bank has also been installed. The boat has a steering position at a raised level, which makes it easy for the skipper to keep an eye 360′ around the boat. – The boat is fitted with a MAXPOWER bow thruster. In the cabin, there is a pantry just below with the good ENO gas stove. in the bow, as above, there is also a large round seating group which can be converted into a bed. On the starboard side there is an enclosed bath & wc! Starboard aft is the large enclosed aft cabin with space for 2-3 sleepers and own access to WC & bath. The boat’s accommodation is in incredibly good condition. Of equipment that can be mentioned: Electric Windlass Hydraulic engine flap New cushions in 2024 New hood in 2024 New serviced engine in 2024. Older navigation & sonar and VHF
It is possible to give a boat in exchange for this, both larger and smaller.
Europe Transport possible for a good price via our Transport partner Glogau Yacht Transport.